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West African Center in Sustainable Rural Transformation

Integrated Master Program for Sustainable Rural Transformation

About Us

The  West African Center for Sustainable Rural Transformation hosted by the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey (Niger) and its partners, ZEF-Bonn University (Germany), University of Development Studies (Ghana) and the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) of University of Ghana (Ghana) under the financial support of the German Ministry of Cooperation (BMZ) purpose to  contribute in the resolution  of  West Africa rural underdevelopment issue by addressing technological, socio-economic, socio-political, administrative and cultural aspects of sustainable rural transformation, in a concerted manner. The aim of this approach is to develop interdisciplinary research and teaching programs that will produce the required knowledge, applicable technological solutions (renewable energies, agricultural and water management), and locally adapted business models and administrative approaches. The ability to bring partners from Niger and Ghana – but in the long run also other West African countries – on board will strengthen the center. Abdou Moumouni University and its partners combined advanced experiences in the realm of renewable energy generation, agricultural water management, innovative approaches in agricultural commercialization and locally adapted decentralized development planning can allow to purpose strong sustainable rural transformation strategies.

The aim of this master program is to prepare and train a new generation of professionals able to propose appropriate and integrated solutions in rural development. The main objective is to train the west-African students to become experts in integrated sustainable rural development by spotlighting on technology intervention combined to strategy and policy focusing on socio-economic and institutional aspects.

Therefore the IMP-SRT program will engage mainly in capacity building and research activities to:

  • develop and promote new and existing locally-adapted sustainable technologies in the fields of renewable energy generation and agricultural water management and train personnel in their management;

  • make available safe drinking water and promote sanitation;

  • develop and promote innovative and existing models in agricultural production, agribusiness and rural marketing, and train people in their management;

  • develop and promote new or existing approaches for locally adapted development planning and promote the capacities of future development planners and managers;

  • help to disseminate locally adapted sustainable technologies, business models as well as development approaches that have been interdisciplinary proven in a wider West African context.

To fulfill its goal the Integrated Master Program in Sustainable Rural Transformation (IMP-SRT) will be divided into the following two(2) tracks:

(i). Engineering Track to promote technology intervention in rural area;

(ii). Policy Track to deal with the socio-economic and institutional aspects.


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West Africa Center  for Sustainable Rural Transformation

Designed by : ADG of MRP CCE